
Daily writing prompt
Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?

Hello there! Day 10 of Bloganuary already! Time is flying.

I wrote a post on a similar topic last year and, to be honest, I don’t think I have anything to add or I can top it so here is the link to it: My Favourite Toy…Once upon a time

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing that post. 

Image: Canva

Thanks for popping by. Be Blessed!

Knowledge Isn’t Power until it is Applied. – Dale Carnegie

Daily writing prompt
What is your mission?

A mission is an interesting choice of word. One of the definitions is that it is a calling or a vocation. This is a the definition that I will choose to run with today. I usually call it my purpose.

My mission statement is: I am a dynamic life transormer. I educate, enlighten and empower people to unleash their full potential.

Image: Canva

I live this statement every day in some shape or form. I read a lot and have studied quite a bit. Through my job, I have access to many courses on Linkedin, Udemy, and our internal digital learning platform, so I have accumulated a lot of knowledge over the years. Dale Carnegie once said that knowledge isn’t power until it is applied. I have taken that to heart and not only make every effort to apply the knowledge that I have acquired but also to pass it on to others where needed.  It gives me the most incredible sense of fulfilment when I see people owning their space and thriving.

I have learned over the years not to pass on knowledge that has not been requested as it is planting seeds on rocky ground. People who seek out the knowledge are more likely to use it and pay it forward by passing it on.

That is my mission in life. I equip people with the knowledge and tools to help them grow.

What is your mission? 

Thanks for popping by. Be blessed!

Signs of Life…

Daily writing prompt
If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say?

hmmm…I have two options that I would like to use:

Image: Canva

1. Everything You Need is Within You Now

The first time I heard this affirmation, I felt so empowered. I use it daily to boost my confidence, especially when faced with a challenge. This doesn’t mean I have all the answers. Sometimes, it means I have the courage to do what needs to be done. Other times it could mean that someone else has the answers and I have the right questions to ask to get to the answers through them. Ultimately, it means I am equipped with what it takes to get the job done or reach my goal. 

2. You are Powerful Beyond Measure

Image: Canva

This is taken from Marianne Williamson’s poem about our deepest fear. The first two lines read, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. …’ It can be found in her book “A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles” which I am currently re-reading or here. The poem resonated with me when I heard it the movie “Coach Carter”. Imagine what you can accomplish in your life if you understand and accept how powerful you really are. We all have gifts that God has bestowed on us, and if we focus on them, they will make room for us and allow us to make a positive impact in our corner of the world or further afield. As I understand it, the concept is taken from a verse in Proverbs. 

A lot of people don’t believe in the power of affirmations and that’s ok. I do believe that constant repetition of a phrase eventually entrenches itself in your subconscious brain and forms part of your belief systems. It has worked for me on countless occasions. Both these affirmations can help you overcome self-doubt.. Of course we do all have free will and can use this new found self-belief for good or not-so-good outcomes. I pray your intentions will also be for the benefit of yours and the greater good.

What affirmations do you find helpful or have found helpful to overcome challenges or develop new habits?

Thanks for popping by. Be blessed.