About Me

Hi. My name is Michelle. Thank you for visiting my blog.

To introduce myself, I am a proudly South African mum to a bright and gorgeous young human. Employee. Aspiring Employer. Fascinated with and passionate about people and living life.

Join me on a journey as a mom, as a woman, as a sister, a daughter, a girlfriend, an employee and an aspiring employer and, of course, as a blogger and writer. I will share with you my life lessons as well the things I am passionate about. I hope that sharing my mistakes will help you find solutions to your problems or, at the very least, help you avoid making the same 🙂 I invite you to share yours and teach me through your interactions on this blog.

I also love sharing quotes. I hope you find them as inspirational as I do.

Sit back, grab a cup of coffee or tea and let’s navigate this experience called life together.

You can contact me at michellefrankson@groundedafrican.com