Reflections #2 – Time Will pass anyway

Today Facebook reminded me of a 10 year old post. I was celebrating having enrolled for my BA in psychology and anthropology. Everyone thought I was mad. Today I am counting down the weeks to graduation day for my BA Honours in psychology.

It was a reminder that the time will fly by anyway. Time’s passing is out of my control but what is in my control is how I use it. Sometimes our dreams and goals seem so far away and we give up because we think it will take too long to achieve. The reality is that the time is going to pass anyway so go out and do that you have always wanted to do. One day you will look back and realise who much you maximised your time on this earth instead of wasting it in fear of “how long a dream or goal will take to achieve”.

Haven you ever chosen to do something even though it would take you what seemed like forever?

That’s for popping be. Be blessed.

Quotes to live by: Ryan Holiday

“Once something is done, you can build on it. Once you get started, momentum can grow. When you show up, you can get lucky.”

Ryan Holiday (Discipline is Destiny)
Image: Canva

Quotes to Live By: Jonathan Edwards

“I resolve to live with all my might while I do live. I resolve never to lose one moment of time and to improve my use of time in the most profitable way I possibly can. I resolve never to do anything I wouldn’t do if it were the last hour of my life.”

Jonathan Edwards
Image: Canva