“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.”-Marie Curie

Bloganuary writing prompt
What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

Wow! Another 31 days of Bloganuary done and dusted! Well, this time it was more or less 28 days for me as I missed a few. Well done to everyone who got through all 31 days. It is no easy feat.

On to today’s topic. What am I most scared to do? Well, I don’t speak life into any fears I may have. I have no desire to make them a reality. There are things that I have hesitated to do because of my conditioning around them, and as I became aware of them, I was able to push through the hesitancy or decide that it wasn’t something I wanted to do anyway and move on. 

There are things and situations that challenge me. Sometimes I wish that I could curl into a ball and just hide from them, but life is for the living, after all, so… I pick myself up, dust myself off, put my big girl panties on and deal with it.

I am going to keep this short and sweet.

Thanks for popping by. Be Blessed.

To Complain or Not to Complain…

Bloganuary writing prompt
What do you complain about the most?

What a question! I know I shouldn’t complain because it’s such negative energy but I do and I do it for several reasons. Sometimes it is out irritation with someone. Sometimes it is because I am feeling sorry for myself. Sometimes it’s out of irritation with myself and sometimes I just need to vent. I must admit though, while I am complaining, I am either physically rectifying the situation or I am thinking of ways to rectify the situation if possible. 

I try hard not to whine though. I find that most annoying. People seem to do it when they want to behave like victims. I must admit that I have very little patience for the victim mindset. I am a firm believe of accepting what is, picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and moving forward. Swiftly. I don’t see the point of getting stuck in a victim mentality. Not that I can’t empathise with it. We need to wallow in an issue initially to feel the pain so that we can acknowledge it and move on but getting stuck in wallowing helps no-one and that’s when I start losing my patience.

That being said, I did get really stuck in that whining phase after a break up with a boyfriend. I whined so much I irritated myself. Not my proudest moment and hats off to my friends for all sticking around to listen to me. I also have a friend who whined constantly and one day I asked her to take a moment and replay the last few minutes of our conversation in her head. I asked her what she heard. To her credit, she immediately said: “I sound like a victim.” She is a very strong woman and takes pride in that fact so you can imagine her shock and horror to discover that she had allowed herself to be a victim in a particular on-going situation. She has stopped complaining about that topic since then and is a more mindful of how she speaks about the things that upset her. Her energy has changed and she is taking control of her life. It is such a pleasure to witness.

So what is it that I complain about the most? According to my son, the state of our house when it needs to be tidied, not being able to find things in their usual spot (it drives me batty!) and my job (which would have been my first answer🤪)

What do you complain about? 

Thanks for popping by. Be Blessed.

You Can’t Win It If You Are Not in It!

Bloganuary writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?

Hello again. Well. This topic is not exactly the same as last year’s, but my answer would still be largely the same. You can read about what I will do with a billion dollars here. 

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on Pexels.com

A lot of the time, we live in a place of fear. Fear is usually a strong emotion, making it very easy to manifest our fears.  I don’t believe fear can bring you such good fortune, but I am really keen to find out if I am mistaken. Were the winners just feeling very positive at the time of buying the ticket, or did they spend some time visualising themselves in the space where they had already won a few weeks before they were successful? I must admit, I keep forgetting to visualise my desires every night before I sleep, as Neville Goddard recommends, so success might take a little longer for me than most.🤪

If you happen to know anyone who appears to be constantly “lucky”, please let us know what you or they believe is the reason behind their good fortune.

Thanks for popping by. Be Blessed.