You Can’t Win It If You Are Not in It!

Bloganuary writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?

Hello again. Well. This topic is not exactly the same as last year’s, but my answer would still be largely the same. You can read about what I will do with a billion dollars here. 

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

A lot of the time, we live in a place of fear. Fear is usually a strong emotion, making it very easy to manifest our fears.  I don’t believe fear can bring you such good fortune, but I am really keen to find out if I am mistaken. Were the winners just feeling very positive at the time of buying the ticket, or did they spend some time visualising themselves in the space where they had already won a few weeks before they were successful? I must admit, I keep forgetting to visualise my desires every night before I sleep, as Neville Goddard recommends, so success might take a little longer for me than most.🤪

If you happen to know anyone who appears to be constantly “lucky”, please let us know what you or they believe is the reason behind their good fortune.

Thanks for popping by. Be Blessed.