You Can’t Win It If You Are Not in It!

Bloganuary writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?

Hello again. Well. This topic is not exactly the same as last year’s, but my answer would still be largely the same. You can read about what I will do with a billion dollars here. 

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

A lot of the time, we live in a place of fear. Fear is usually a strong emotion, making it very easy to manifest our fears.  I don’t believe fear can bring you such good fortune, but I am really keen to find out if I am mistaken. Were the winners just feeling very positive at the time of buying the ticket, or did they spend some time visualising themselves in the space where they had already won a few weeks before they were successful? I must admit, I keep forgetting to visualise my desires every night before I sleep, as Neville Goddard recommends, so success might take a little longer for me than most.🤪

If you happen to know anyone who appears to be constantly “lucky”, please let us know what you or they believe is the reason behind their good fortune.

Thanks for popping by. Be Blessed.

“Say a little and say it well.” – Irish proverb

Bloganuary writing prompt
In what ways do you communicate online?

Hi There! Interesting question Bloganuary. I must admit that I communicate in very limited ways online. 

As Grounded African

I love quotes (in case you haven’t noticed). Ever since my mum passed away just over 5 years ago, I have been on this journey both spiritually and emotionally and quotes have helped me along the way. I try to create visually appealing backgrounds for the quotes that resonate with me and share them via this blog, IG and FB.

I communicate my thoughts and lessons via this blog and sometimes on Medium. On Medium as I do post under my name though. I share the links via FB and IG, but I find the audience on each platform is more drawn to the quotes and don’t appear to be keen to read blog posts.

Image: created on Canva

On a Personal level

On a personal level I stick to Facebook and IG. I use both to update friends and family on the milestones in my life as well as on the things that amuse me, make me sad or that I find interesting. 

I do have Twitter/X accounts but I use the platform more to keep up-to-date with the goings on in the world in real time. Otherwise, I find it a scary place to interact with people.

I chat on WhatsApp mainly. I find it highly frustrating (and shady) that Snapchat deletes your chat after 24hrs, so when I forget to note something, that’s it; it’s gone, so I have deleted my Snapchat account. I also chat with my fellow players on Scrabble. 

I also share short book reviews on Goodreads. You can view these by clicking on the Goodreads widget on my page. If you are on there, please add me as a friend so that I can discover new books through you, and perhaps you will do the same through me.

I am keen to expand my online presence but have yet to find the time to plan it out and learn how to make the best use of the different apps like TikTok and whatever else is good to know. I still have not figured out how to use Pinterest best.🤪 Does anyone have a blog page that could help me develop these skills? Do you have any hints and tips to share? Please leave a link or a suggestion in the comments. 

That’s it for today. Thanks for popping by. 💐. Be Blessed!

Thrive Through Every Challenge

Daily writing prompt
What are your biggest challenges?

Happy New Year Everyone! I am so excited that Bloganuary is back. This is the 3rd year that I will be participating.
I look forward to the prompts and making new friends.

So, what are my biggest challenges? I would say my top 3 are as follows (in no particular order):

1. Too much stuff

I just wrote about this yesterday, actually. My word for the year is “Less”. You can read more about why having too much stuff physically, digitally, and mentally is a challenge here.  The good news is that I made a little dent today with my wardrobe. Whoop whoop!

2. Creating systems

I tend to be a bit helter-skelter with most things. Last year, I set myself a goal of becoming more disciplined. While I have definitely improved, I have still not found a system to help me work, write, and run my home smoothly.  That is my dream, and I will succeed. I just need to put more effort into it.

3. Overcoming procrastination

I have written about this many times but have yet to find a solution. I have tried implementing the 2-minute rule, the 5-minute rule and every other rule I have read about, but I guess I have not been very disciplined about it. 

If I overcome these three challenges, I figure that 80% of my other challenges would disappear. So we persevere so that we may continue to rise.

Image: Canva

I look forward to reading about your challenges. All the best in overcoming them in 2024! 

Thanks for popping by. Be Blessed.